If your purchase is getting some age on it, you need to watch out for problems. Some issues can be taken care of to keep your furnace longer. Keep reading to learn more about this so you will know what to do.
Problems with Thermostat
If you are getting no heat in your home, the problem could be with the thermostat. First, check the batteries and change them if they are older. Inspect inside the thermostat and if you see a lot of dust built up, wipe it down to remove it. You can use a small hand brush to do this.
If your heat is still not working, make sure the thermostat is at the right setting. It can be easy to accidentally change the temperature. You can also try to reboot the thermostat. To do this, make sure the thermostat is on the heat setting and then set the temperature to around 55 degrees. Next, turn the breaker that powers the thermostat in your circuit panel off. Flip the breaker back on. If the thermostat is still not working, it is time to call a furnace repair contractor.
The Furnace Will Not Turn On
If your furnace will not turn on the first thing is to make sure the breaker has not tripped. You also need to check the air filter as if it is dirty this can cause the furnace to not run. Check your filter monthly and change it as needed. If you turn the furnace on and hear a clicking sound it is probably not igniting. If you suspect, you have this problem you should contact a professional to inspect the igniter and repair or replace it.
The furnace may also have a dirty blower motor, which can cause the furnace not to turn on. A furnace repair contractor can clean the blower motor for you to get your furnace running again.
Blowing the Fuse
If your furnace tries to turn on but immediately turns off the fuse may be blown. If the fuse is blown, you also may have problems with the breaker. This can be difficult to diagnose so contact a furnace repair contractor.
The repair contractor may contact an electrician to fix the blown fuse or replace the breaker. Electrical work can be dangerous and the last thing you want is to have an electrical fire in your home.
To keep your furnace running longer, hire a furnace repair contractor to maintain your furnace regularly.