Keeping a home septic system working properly is one of the most important steps in the upkeep of a home. By maintaining your septic system regularly, it is more likely to continue to work as it should for many years. These are some tips for keeping your septic system properly maintained.
Having Your System Inspected
Just like it is important to have your heating and air conditioning inspected, it is also a good idea to have your septic system inspected. This can be done every few years to help prevent unexpected problems from arising. A certified septic system inspector can do this so you will know if any repairs need to be made.
Having Your System Pumped
When a septic system gets clogged, it is likely that you will begin to have problems with sinks, tubs and showers that do not drain and toilets overflowing into your home. However, this can be prevented by having the septic tank pumped out every few years.
The frequency that pumping needs to be done depends on the size of the septic system, the number of bathrooms that are in your home and the number of people who live in the home. It is best to have your septic system pumped every 3 years to avoid problems with drainage.
Conserving Water Used In The Home
If you practice water conservation in your home, this can also help keep your septic system better maintained. The less water that is flushed or drained into the system, the longer it will take to fill up and need to be drained. Install low flow faucets in your home and when toilets need to be replaced, replace them with low-flush models.
Draining Pools Or Hot Tubs
Never drain pools or hot tubs into your septic system because large amounts of water draining into the system at once can flood your drain field and the heavy drainage pressure may cause underground pipes to become loose. The chlorine that is used to keep pools and hot tubs clean also breaks down bacteria that is needed in the septic tank for dissolving solid waste.
Planting Near The Drain Field
It is also important to plant only grass in the soil that covers your drain field. Avoid planting trees or large bushes near this area to prevent roots from growing down into the drain field and damaging your pipes.
By following these rules for maintaining your septic system, you may be able to prevent the need for expensive repairs. Always hire a professional plumber at the first sign of septic system problems. Do not attempt to fix the problem on your own as this may lead to further damage.